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Roma, RM, Italy
Articolo 19 della Dichiarazione dei Diritti dell'Uomo: "Ogni individuo ha diritto alla libertà di opinione e di espressione incluso il diritto di non essere molestato per la propria opinione e quello di cercare, ricevere e diffondere informazioni e idee attraverso ogni mezzo e senza riguardo a frontiere". (Parigi 10 dicembre 1948)

martedì 19 giugno 2007


How to Appreciate Vincent Van Gogh Art Work

1. When looking at the art work, you need to understand the style of painting because his paintings were very unique compare to other paintings. In Van Gogh's artwork, the style that he used was expressionism.

2. You should then look for key symbols or signs that would help you understand his art work better such as the context of the objects.

3. Try to understand the artist's intentions. You can do this by observing the use of colors, patterns, brush strokes, and the theme of the painting. Knowing the artist's intention you would be able to conclude the motives behind the art.

4. Take what you have learned from the art work and apply it to your emotions to see how it effects and relates to you. This would allow you to make a connection with the artist.

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